No need to lie. Even though I'm an NBA fan, I seldom tune in to any of the Finals games until there's about 5 minutes left. If you think about it, watching the prior 43 minutes is pointless. A team can jump out to a huge 1st quarter lead (as has apparently happened in each of the 4 games thus far) and blow it by the half. Quick starts mean nothing in NBA basketball. They do, after all, call them quarters for a reason.
While I think OKC's a swell team full of swell players (with the exception of the perpetually boneheaded Russell Westbrook and his loud, expensive shirts)[1] that plays in a swell state, reality is they just aren't ready yet. Miami was a team built to win now, and probably be dismantled later to avoid luxury tax penalties. OKC did it the smart way, drafting wisely (for the most part, they've also whiffed a few times) and making timely trades. They haven't added any real free agents other than Derek Fisher. Of course, they'll have their own luxury tax issues soon.[2]
Still, I just don't like what Miami did, and the precedence it sets if they win. Now, every rookie will come into the league thinking they can just collude with other stars and form their own SuperTeam at the end of their first contracts. Some say the new CBA tweaked the salary structure to prevent this, but I know of no such thing. So year, the rich will certainly get richer.
Is it possible I'm writing this series epitaph prematurely? Sure. OKC reeled off 4 against the Spurs, so anything's possible. They take Game 5 in South Beach, and they've got two home games to come back and win. But that's not likely.
I suppose I should say congrats to Lebron. He's mostly shown up in fourth quarters this series (except Game One), but reality is this team's just better constructed than last year's Finals loser (adding a Shane Battier and subtracting a Joel Anthony can do that) and more battle tested. It's Miami's time, whether we like it or not.
Put me solidly in the "nots" column.
Question: What are your impressions of this series so far? Can OKC come back? Is this bad for the NBA as a whole if the Heat wins?!?
[1] It's puzzling to see people spent so much money to look soooo bad. You can buy ugly shirts for $10 at Filenes. But I'm betting he paid a grip for that bait & tackle number above.
[2] Harden and Ibaka both need to get paid. You'll basically have 4 guys on max 2nd contracts, in the NBA's two smallest media market. So yeah, somebody's gotta go. It's just not financially possible.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
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