Three minor issues though.
1) Ryan lied more than a 2nd grader during Show & Tell.
2) Ryan offered nary a solution to all the problems he spoke of.
3) See Point 1) again. I mean, seriously, this was a fact checker's wet dream.
Of course, lies only matter if someone happens to check the liar. After a week full of distortions and half truths, it would be nice if Obama and Co. spend next week pointing out these minor inaccuracies. And in
Condi Rice also spoke. Since I like Dr. Rice, I'll say nothing bad about her here. At all.
I don't know who was on the undercard, nor do I care.
Mittens is on deck tonight. If you need a sleep aid, tune in to your local affiliate around 10pm. It'll surely do the trick.
Question: What did you think of Lyin', errr, Ryan's speech? Will the Democrats hit back? Is Romney gonna be the biggest snoozer of this entire SnoozeFest tonight?