Thursday, August 23, 2012

Romney Has Zero Perecent Of The Black Vote. Zero.

Remember a few months back when Mitt Romney hired a black woman to help shore up support in the African American community? Or that one very awkward appearance at a Philly public school? Or that paternalistic NAACP convention speech? It was all supposed to help Romney move the needle.

Yeah, it's not working so well.
After Mitt Romney selected his vice presidential running mate, and just days before the political conventions kick off next week, President Barack Obama maintains his advantage in the race for the White House, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

In a smaller sample of voters living in 12 key battleground states – Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin – Obama leads Romney by three points, 49 percent to 46 percent.

That’s a narrower edge in these battlegrounds than the eight-point lead the president enjoyed in the June and July NBC/WSJ polls.

Looking inside the numbers, Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent), Latinos (by a 2-to-1 margin), voters under 35-years-old (52 percent to 41 percent) and women (51 percent to 41 percent).

Romney is ahead with whites (53 percent to 40 percent), rural voters (47 percent to 38 percent) and seniors (49 percent to 41 percent).
Even though then-Senator Obama took 98% of the black vote in 2008, it's hard for me to believe Romney didn't even pull in 1% in this poll. Which either means it's a statistical anomaly or black folks (not even Republicans) simply aren't down with #TeamRomney.[1]

What's your read on this?

Question: Is Romney really getting zero love from black voters or is this just a statistical blip?

[1] Of greater concern for Romney: He's getting trounced in the Latino, youth, and female vote as well. #PanderBetter

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