I'm sure some of you are gonna accuse me of
Here's the ads.
1) #TeamObama is under attack for an ad that depicts a man who sorta insinuates that Mitt Romney is responsible for his wife's death after he lost his job due to a Bain Capital decision. No need to BS you, this ad is pure trash. The White House's decision to "play it coy" about this one just smacks of the worst kind of election year baloney.
2) MoveOn.org's newest ad features an ominous white hand reaching for people's pockets. Beyond being downright corny, it's just too comical to even be taken seriously.
3) I don't like Allen West. Actually, I strongly dislike Allen West. But this ad is just tacky. I also can't help put notice that all the women getting punched were white. Beyond that little nugget is the obvious question: what the hell does Allen West have to do with boxing?
Question: What do yo think about these ads?!?