I'm not really in the prediction business, but I think you guys know who I roll with. I see this election being close, regardless of who wins. Unlike in 2008, I won't be doing the live blog thing this year. Sorry. If you have some strange need to know what I'm thinking as this all unfurls, just follow me on Twitter. For real, you should prolly just do that anyway.
Believe it or not, as soon as I hit the "Publish" button on this post, I'm going to avoid any news, TV, radio, or watercooler discussion of the election until the results start rolling in. Seriously, none of these "pundits" has a clue what'll happen. The "polls" are all over the place. What really matters is doing your part and voting, assuming you haven't already. Leave the polls to the pundits. And exotic dancers.
Anyways, before I sign off, a handful of interesting stories from around the political landscape...
Obama ending the campaign season in Iowa. Odd decision there, sentimental reasons aside.Question: Did you vote yet? Who'll win tomorrow's elections?
Plenty of early voting shenanigans in So. Florida.
Joe Biden thinks GOP will magically work with Obama if he wins re-election. What's this guy been smokin'?
Paul Ryan thinks Obama is a threat to "Judeo Christian values". Why not just go ahead and call him a n*gger?
Black preachers vs Obama. Again. Yeah, this is still happening. It even happened at my church yesterday. Something tells me that Romney's gonna get a larger than expected share of the black vote, win or lose. Black pastors using the gay marriage issue to influence votes will be the likely culprit. Again.
Obama interrupted by Cincy heckler. Jerk.
GOP Civil War Looming. I have no idea what that means.
Thanks to Cam Newton and his ugly sweaters (and the Reskins secondary!) Obama is guaranteed a loss.