Monday, December 17, 2012

Is There Really A Need For A White Student Union?!?

File this one under Things I (Thankfully) Can't Relate To Because I Went To An HBCU...
The founder of a “White Students Union” at Towson University cited Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party as a model in an interview explaining his intentions to RT on Friday.

In the interview, Matthew Heimbach outlined his plans for the organization becoming a positive influence on the school, saying it was “kind of [like] the idea where you have political parties like Golden Dawn, which take care of Greek people first.”

After winning 18 seats in the Greek parliament for the first time in May, Golden Dawn’s leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, warned that “The time for fear has come for those who betrayed this homeland.” The party has subsequently been accused of engaging violent assaults against immigrants, a practice abetted by Greek police.

Heimbach obliquely referenced this practice, saying his group engaged in “safety patrols” looking for “people who have perpetrated violent crimes.”

The group will also bring in guest speakers to discuss “white identity” issues, Heimbach said, and protest policies like affirmative action, which he accused of being discriminatory against white students, and the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he said “sent our jobs overseas to third-world countries like Mexico that undercut our wages and put us out of work.”
Here's the moving pictures, for those of you who prefer not reading...

Poor fella. He sees his America disintegrating before his very eyes and feels the need to do something, anything to prevent this atrocity. And in his eyes, there's not a single racist thing about feeling this way. And in a sense, he's correct. In post-racial America, nobody is racist anymore.

Besides, if you read between the lines here, this guy isn't saying much that differs dramatically from the core principles of the GOP. He's anti-gay. He's anti-immigration. He's anti-affirmative action. He's concerned about America's cultural shift to that of a 3rd world country. He thinks he's being inclusive, yet almost certainly is clueless that "the blacks, the Jews, and the Hispanics" would be offended by his idea of inclusion. He name-checks Pat Buchanan. He thinks the Founding Fathers built this country all on their own, from scratch, without the contributions of anyone else. He thinks multiculturalism is a slippery slope to becoming a 3rd world country. If he removed all the "pro-White" rhetoric, given his clever way with words and unflappable nature, he'd prolly be the next Newt Gingrich.

Instead, by spelling out such an ignorant, short sighted vision of a "pro-White" America, he's prolly just gonna find himself with some seriously short odds for future employment.

Pity this poor young man should he have to interview with a black boss.

Question: Do Mr. Heimbach's general sentiments vary that much from mainstream Conservatism?!? Does he look and sound like a young Newt or Rush to you?!?

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