I turn the Big 4-0 later this week. So as you might guess, posting is gonna be light around here. If you'd like to send your favorite blogger a monetary donation for his Geritol/Depends Fund, shoot that PayPal kite to AverageBro@gmail.com.
Anyways, some linkage of note to keep you guys talking in my semi-absence...
Chris Christie Fires Back At Rand Paul, Accuses Him Of ‘Pork Barrel Spending’ And More - I find it fairly hilarious to watch the two GOP 2016 "frontrunners" sniping at each other like two middle school girls.Question: What's on your mind today? Did you turn 40 yet? Is it all downhill from here? Drop some links, start a convo.
What Oden Has To Offer - Hard to believe this guy was the number one overall pick once. He's on his way back, apparently.
Disturbing Video Shows Court Officer Sexually Assaulting, Then Arresting Mother While Judge Does Nothing - Somebody call Gloria Allred.
A party defined by whiteness? - More fallout from Steve King's brilliant "cantaloupe calves" comment.
Alaska Republicans would pick Sarah Palin in 2014 - Caribou Barbie is heading to DC.