Thankfully, that's all over now, as NFL camps opened earlier this week. Here's a handful of topics on my mind:
Johnny Football - How long does it take before the Browns realize they're f*cked and just turn the team over to him? I say Week 3, if not by the end of the preseason.
Michael Sam - Will this 7th round pick (with a Top 5 selling jersey) actually even make the opening day roster? I say he does, if to sell more jerseys if nothing else.
The Seahawks - Can they defend their title? Smart money says yes.
RGIII - After a disappointing season in which he was never really 100% healthy, can he regain his rookie form? You'll recall Freshman Griffin was among the top in every qualifiable QB rating and the Skins won their division in come-from-behind fashion.
Peyton Manning - After getting rolled in the Super Bowl, how does he bounce back?
Question: What are you most looking forward to this season? Who do you have winning it all, as if such a thing can be predicted 6 months in advance?