Five reasons to love the Kansas City Royals - I haven't paid attention to baseball since the Nats lost, but this is a feel good story. Unless you live in B-More.Question: Got any links to share?
CDC permitted health worker to fly despite fever - The Strain is coming to life.
School Soccer Team Taunts African Student with ‘Ebola’ Chant, Coaches Resign - USA! USA! USA!
Apple leaks new iPad details - Apple's officially out of new ideas.
Ann Romney still done with 2016, but never say never - Just say never. Please.
Mark Driscoll, top megachurch pastor, resigns - This story is really fishy. Really.
Stewart vs. O’Reilly Showdown: Intense Battle over White Privilege - Two rich white guys argue about poor black people. Ugh.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Miscellaneous Stuff Of Note.
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