Okay, folks. Enough is enough. I've missed the blog, and whether or not you guys are still out there in the ether, this blog still needs to exist, mostly because
Instead, I'll be using this blog to rant endlessly about current events instead. I gave up Twitter cold turkey a few months ago. Subsequently, I just so happened to end up on Twitter the other day to see some young white chick with 100 followers has claimed by mantle. #DontBeFooled #ItAintMe
The format will be different, because it just has to be. I don't have the energy or time to do fullblown posts about individual topics with links, quotes, photos, videos, etc. anymore. I just don't, sorry. In the place of that, I'll probably just riff on 4-5 topics at a time in one post. I hope you'll come back to join the convo. Because I
Let's Talk.