Thursday, January 20, 2011 Presents... The Single Files™

As a blogger, one thing I don't really do a lot of is "relationship posts". There's not really any particular reason for this, other than the fact that I've been married nearly a decade, and there's not much blogworthy material about marriage. Unless, of course, we're talking about how come black women just can't seem to get hitched. While I had lots of fun with my The Lonely Black Woman Industrial Complex™ series, reality is, I just can't really relate to being single anymore, and thus, I really can't write much about it. It is what it is.

That said, relationship posts = pixels, and if's about anything, we're about generating pixels. Pixels rool.

On that note, I thought it would be interesting to go beyond the morbid stats and sensationalized nature of the mainstream media and get the real life stories of a handful of real life single black folks. Our new series The Single Files™, will do just that.

A few of my blogging buddies and some members of AverageNation™ (both male and female) will weigh in with their experiences in the dating pool, their worst dates evar, thoughts about the institution of marriage, and general hilarity.

This won't be a series for everyone, but I hope you tune in anyway, even if it's just to swap war stories.

The first in this sure-to-be-groundbreaking series runs here tomorrow, and The Single Files™ will be a regularly recurring feature. Tune in.

- Jay

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