Monday, October 14, 2013

Tea Parti... Errrr... "Veterans" Behaving Badly.

Honest question here: if several hundred black people stormed the White House demanding reparations[1], would the police/media response look somewhat different than this?

Booing, verbally berating, and confronting police, with a casual "Kenya" remark tossed in because.... actually I have no idea how a few dozen cops simply doing a job they aren't being paid for "looks like Kenya". Do you?

Bonus points for the "put the Qu'ran down" slur. Classy!

Did any other speaker (including some elected officials) verbally castigate this guy? Did they cut his mic? Was he booed off the stage? Maybe I missed that part. Damn librul media!

Question: Seriously, how quickly would Negroes behaving this poorly had their heads busted up and down Constitution?

[1] I think reparations are a lost, trivial cause, with zero chance of actually ever happening. Just as I think whatever the hell these numbnuts are demanding (Impeachment? The end of Obamacare? Free Rascal Scooters?) is a lost, trivial cause, with zero chance of actually ever happening.

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