N.L. just kicked in. If you have no idea what N.L. means, email me. I'm tryin' to keep it a little cleaner around here nowadays.
I knew something was wrong when I went to the barbershop and Negroes were in there Harlem Shakin' like the Redskins just won the Superbowl (as if).
My Negro Intuition told me: "Somethin' somethin', somethin' somethin' just won't riiiiight!"
We celebrated too soon, too loudly, and too long.
Instead of laying around my hotel tonight after work watching election returns, I decided to venture into the mean streets of the Twin Cities to watch that botched abortion of an NBA team, the post-K.G. Minnesota Timberwolves, beat the Miami Heat in a snoozefest. While in the quiet as-a-library Target Center (seriously, I.L.L., they should pay me to go to these games), I watched the out-of-town scoreboard and kept an eye on my Washington Wizards, who seemed to be just a few points behind the Houston Rockets all game long. Just when you thought they'd finally close the gap and take the lead, they were suddenly down by 12 again. They ended up losing.
I would imagine that's how the Obama camp feels right about now. Waiting and hoping for that final surge you just knew would come, but never did.
Around 10:30pm Eastern, the AP called New Hampshire, even though CNN and the other cable TV talking monkeys had yet to agree.
Dude had a 9 point lead this morning. What the hell happened?
Did the college kiddies assume this was in the bag and stay on FaceBook instead of going to the polls? Did the fine folks of the Granite State simply change their minds, as their certainly entitled to do? Did Monday's Crocodile Tears Routine actually work? Was AB's "behind closed doors" theory proven true? Quite simply, did folks who didn't wanna be branded as "non progressive" in Iowa vote for Barry in the caucuses simply to show their neighbors they were down? Can you ever trust another poll again? Has the "Magic Negro" veneer finally worn thin? Was my massive
Looking forward, Clinton has Michigan in the bag, and probably Nevada too. A few weeks from now, with the momentum completely in Hillary's favor, will all the black voters in SC who were jumping on the Barry 4 Prez bandwagon last week nut up and vote for Mrs. Black President? Will Obama finally abandon the non-threatening lightskinned dude role, grow some testicles, and go on the offensive already? Lord knows Hillary has him clearly beat in that category.
Question: After the jubilation about a "New America" Thursday night, has Iowa proven that the "New America" is pretty much just like the old one?
Clinton upsets Obama in NH; McCain wins [AP]