After much confusion and some domain name trickery, the liveblog is on. I'll post comments every 10-15 minutes, which means you'll be a bit behind, but hey, a minor delay is better than nothing. Leave your comments you know where.
7:15 - Waiting for my brothers to arrive. AverageSis is sitting this one out. 2 kids will do that to you.
Tuning in to 106th and Park just further enforces how old I'm getting. I know TI is doing some good things with registering voters in ATL, but let's keep it one hunned: the dude prolly cannot vote. I get the whole "key demo" thing and whatnot, but why not pull in Hill Harper or somebody? Sheez.
I still don't care for this Kanye "Love Lockdown" song. I'm sure ya'll will beg to differ. This video is sorta interesting though. Blurred out models? Hmmm. I guess Uncut style stuff is ok as long as there's some "artistic intent". BET needs to step up their game and broadcast in HD. Watching non-HD is like seeing a dude walking around with a boombox.
7:25 - Ciara is trying to darned hard. It didn't take a genius to tell "1-2 Step" and "Goodies" made her a 2 hit wonder. All these scantily clad videos are fun to watch, but they smell of desperation.
Awww snap, a new Brandy video? This video is #1, but I've never heard of it, which says more about me than Brandy's career. This sounds like one of those songs you hear when you get to the club too early. Zzzzzz.
7:30something - Zzzzzz. Watching a "red carpet" show that was taped a week ago and very poorly edited is an exercise in futility. Plus, I've got a crying baby on my lap. Unless something even remotely interesting happens, I might sit this out until the real show starts at 8. Zzzzzz.
7:45 - I know they say everyone on TV is short, but dang. TI and Outkast's Big Boi look like Dwarves #8 and #9. Hi Ho!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
AverageBro & Fam Live Blog The BET Awards: The PreShow!
Tags Popped: Crap Music, TeeVee Sux
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