I'm workin' harder than usual today. Here's the quick rundown.
So, The President Can't Even Take His Kids To A Ballgame, Huh?!? - Folks, let's be honest: nobody works 24/7, not even in times of crisis. So the latest wingnut attack on Obama for going to a baseball game with his daughters is particularly silly, given the fact that it was Father's Day weekend. Getting on Obama for enjoying a round of golf and some time to rewind with family is just as silly as those critics who argued that Bush didn't deserve a vacation on his ranch in the weeks after 9/11. If Obama was down there in Louisiana cleaning pelicans all day everyday, folks would criticize him for not worrying about the economy. Enough already. Unless you personally spend each and every waking moment on your Day Job, just shut up.
So, A CEO Can't Even Take His Kids To A Regatta, Huh?!? - Likewise, BP CEO Tony Heyward is under fire for being seen at a yatch race this weekend. Come on, people, what more do you want from the man. His company's just been hit up for $20B to clean up the Gulf, and reality is, he probably won't be able to afford that yatch much longer. Let the man live for Crissakes.
Strasburg Mania Takes A Hit. Sorta. - The casual sports fan might not know, but Obama went to the baseball game the other night to see Nationals pitcher Stephen Strasburg, an MLB rookie sensation who is essentially the baseball equivalent of Lebron. I'm not even remotely a baseball fan, but the guy's good enough to make me tune in and watch entire games, which is quite a feat. If you haven't seen him yet, do yourself a favor and get familiar. Sadly, until the Nats get some hitters, this guy's brilliance is being wasted.
Tiger Loses - Ehhhh, who are we kidding? I didn't watch this sh*t. Still, come November, I'm betting nobody even remembers all those strippers and Perkins waitresses. Does anyone even remember right now?
Happy Belated Father's Day - Hope the kids treated ya'll good yesterday.
Question: What's on your mind right now?
Monday, June 21, 2010
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