I'm sure someone will gank my Ghetto Pass for saying this, but I generally find Tupac to be one of the most overrated rappers to ever bless the mic. Sure, the man made quite a bit of classic material, but I suspect people who put him in the G.O.A.T. discussion are probably tipping their fitteds in honor of Pac's cultural impact and the sheer enormity of his body of work, not necessarily his verbal skills. I can at least admit that as much as I hate the whole "Thug Life" BS, I admire the guy's productivity. Who else could have made enough songs to continue putting out a new album each year after his untimely demise?
Anyways, Pac's birthday would have been June 16th, which makes this "16th Of June" mixtape by Terry Urban timely if nothing else. There's not really anything new here if you're even a casual Pac fan, but hey, it's free. Go cop it now, courtesy of Real Talk NY.
Tupac – 16th Of June(Tupac’s Birthday) Mixtape [RTNY/DatPiff]
Question: Am I blasphemous for saying Pac's a wee bit overrated, or does he truly deserve to be mentioned among the greatest evar?!?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
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